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Chinese Baccarat Strategy

Golden Eagle Baccarat Strategy For the best baccarat strategy, the best baccarat system, and How to consistently win at baccarat you need an effective strategy in order to play sensibly. Although the game of baccarat is one of the best games in the casino for low odds, most players lose money. Specifically with the odds.

Hello everyone, Wong here.
  1. This Baccarat Strategy is more advanced and is for players that want to win big and fast. This Baccarat Strategy is also easy to learn even though it is more advanced. With these two Baccarat Tips, the player can win at Baccarat and become a skilled player. In the website, baccarat players can easily find access to theses.
  2. Baccarat players recognize the Golden Eagle as one of the best Chinese baccarat strategies available. This unique strategy involves rotating bets between both Player and Bank depending on the outcome of the previous few hands. This Baccarat Strategy works consistently, because of the patterns and streaks that occur during the game of Baccarat.

Lee has asked me to write a short profile of myself as many people have asked him about the two baccarat players that created the Predictor System. My friend Patrick Moore is the other co-creator. I said I would be happy to do so but was concerned that people might try to contact me, and as I am often traveling, that my slow replies might upset some people. Lee suggested that I explain my situation and apologize in advance if I reply slowly. So I apologize now. My email is below and I would be happy to discuss baccarat and the system, but please email Lee if you want a fast reply to a question or a problem.

I see Lee has a picture of himself on the web site, and although I am not ashamed about my face, it would not be wise to show who is the creator of this system. I spend almost 30 weeks of the year traveling and playing baccarat and I do not wish to show the casino people who I am in case they decide to stop me playing (and winning) at their casino. They are very suspicious of people who win a lot, they really like losing players, but I am always welcome as I do not win too much in the one casino, whether it is a land or online casino. This is a strong tip for you when you start winning.

It does not matter that Lee shows his picture because he does not play much anymore, as he is too busy with helping you, family, computer work, the web sites. He tells me he will play more when he has time, but I know he is in no hurry as Patrick and I give him a share of our winnings for running the web site and helping you. Please don't think he knows less than us about baccarat, he has played a lot in the past.

I will concentrate on my history now as Lee knows all these tips and also they are in the '22 Secrets of Baccarat Play' that you get with the Predictor System.

Sorry about my English not being very good. It is not bad but not great. I am an engineer by profession and a baccarat player and mathematician by interest, not a writer. Lee said not to worry about perfect writing, just tell people about yourself.

My non-gambling history

As you can see by my name (not my real name for reasons mentioned previously) I was born to Chinese parents 48 years ago in Malaysia in the city of Kuala Lumpur. My father loved to gamble, as do many Chinese, so I was introduced to gambling at a very early age and it's in my blood. My parents were quite well off, and because in the '70s the Malaysian government did not give equal academic opportunities for Chinese Malaysians, I was sent to university in Australia where I studied engineering.

I have a wife and 3 three grown up children, the last of whom has recently moved away from home, so I am free to travel with my wife around the world playing baccarat.

I worked as an electrical engineer for large corporations in Australia, USA, and Malaysia until I turned to professional baccarat playing about 2 years ago.

My gambling history

When I was a teenager I played every type of gambling that there was in Malaysia. I remember well my parents being very upset with me when I lost my allowance money many times. Don't worry it was not much money as my smart father was quite strict but understanding as he too loved to gamble mainly cards. As I grew older and had money of my own I became a much smarter player and could see that I only had a chance of winning by playing blackjack and betting on horses.

I was quite good at both but I only played small and only part-time as I was too scared to lose too much and was much too busy with family and work. This reminds me. Please please do not gamble with money that should go to family or business. Only play with money that you CAN AFFORD TO LOSE. This is most important, especially if you are not an expert, or you do not know this baccarat system.

After a while I started to only concentrate on blackjack as betting on horses required too much research. In case you do not know, if you count card values as the cards are being dealt in blackjack, you will know when you have the advantage over the casino. I won't go into the details here, but this technique has been known since the late '60s.

Let's have a look at it!

Over 4 years of development so you will WIN, and EASY to use .

Note that this is quality software and no rubbish is installed !!!
I promise you that this is the best baccarat software that you have ever seen .

100 FREE Predictions for YOU to use at an online casino.
TEST the system on 3007 real casino shoes from around
the world and tens of thousands of computer generated shoes.
If you cannot download the software please email me at
and I will be able to help.
The Predictor System is also IN THE MEMBERS AREA of the web site. You do not need to download software to start learning the Predictor System . A password will be emailed to you when you order.

However there is one very big disadvantage. All casinos know about this and watch blackjack players very carefully for certain betting patterns. I have many times been asked to leave a casino after being caught card counting. Luckily because I worked for large companies that sent me around the world I was able to still play blackjack at many different casinos.

Chinese baccarat strategy

So during the early 90s I started to look at baccarat as a way of gambling without the pressure of being closely watched. Of course I had known and played baccarat on and off all my life, but no matter what I did I could not win consistently. However because I became so tired of the blackjack pressure I gradually focused more and more on baccarat, playing small amounts. I noticed that most players used the scoring card to look for all types of patterns. I talked to a great many and tried their techniques, but nothing would win in the long run.

I became really fascinated with baccarat and the numbers, frequency, and groupings of Verticals (streaks, runs) and Singles as they appeared on a score card. Maybe because I was accomplished in mathematics, due to my electrical engineering studies, or just plain luck I could see some numerical basis to what appeared to be just random occurrences.

So slowly and with much testing of my theories at the tables I gradually started to win a little bit more than I lost. I would spend weeks (part-time) working on a new variation and then trying it out to see if I was right. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

This took until about '95 or '96 to get to the stage where I was confident I was onto something good, and my changes became less and less frequent. I became more and more confident that it was correct as I was winning twice as often as losing and winning more money than losing as well.

After a year of cautious play my wife suggested that I think about working less in my 'real' job, as we were quite comfortable financially, and perhaps consider playing baccarat professionally. I was very fortunate to be able to gradually reduce my engineering workload, as I was a consultant and worked for many companies, and focus more and more on baccarat.

Well, in mid '98 I stopped all my engineering consulting and became a full-time baccarat player, traveling around the world and being welcomed with open arms by casinos. The more I won (but don't be greedy) the more they wanted me back so they could 'win back their money'. They don't say that to you of course, but I know that's how they operate.

I meet Patrick Moore (my co-creator of the Predictor System)

I love to walk around the baccarat tables observing how people are playing, and seeing how they are betting. So when I was in Vegas in '99 I noticed over a period of a week or so, that a player was winning very consistently, betting very selectively, but not betting as I would. This was very interesting for me, as believe me you don't see people winning over a considerable number of shoes very often.

Then one night at a very fine restaurant, can't remember the name as I think the name has changed, and being on my own that trip, by chance I happened to be sitting at a table next to the gentleman that I had been observing. We glanced at each other and I could see he was thinking that maybe he had seen me somewhere, so I asked him how his luck was and we proceeded to pass a few comments back and forth, and then decided to have our meal together. It turns out that he also was watching me play quite often.

Baccarat strategy 2020

We shared a bottle of wine and slowly got comfortable with each other. I like to dress in expensive suits, ties, shoes while Patrick was very casually dressed, almost too casually I thought. So we were the odd couple. It turned out that he did so deliberately to reduce suspicion that he was winning a lot of money. I didn't care as I had never any trouble then nor since.

So by the end of my stay we were on friendly terms and one night started to discuss our playing styles. I had never before talked to anyone about my system and nor had Patrick so we were circling each other and being very evasive. Over a period of time we could see that we could trust each other, and the more we talked the clearer it became that we were using similar yet different styles of system. It seemed that the two systems would compliment each other.

After that time we corresponded frequently and after much testing came up with a system that more than doubled what each of us was winning using our individual systems.

Chinese Baccarat Strategy Against

In the end the system that I created became Mode 2, while Patrick's system evolved to Mode 1.

Why Sell the System?

I will make this short as you may be falling asleep now.

To test our theories both Patrick and I were using a baccarat simulation program called 'Lucky 9 Baccarat' (now called Win @ Baccarat) that was created by Lee Jones, that was and still is by far the best baccarat simulation software I have ever seen. We needed some special modifications made to the program so we contacted Lee who arranged to have the software altered. We also wanted to optimize the figures we were using and since we became friendly with Lee we decided to ask his help.

He got in contact with a mathematician and also using his programmer we fine-tuned our figures to get the maximum result. Of course we had to tell Lee and his friends what we were up to.

Lee was selling the Win @ Baccarat and Win @ Baccarat Professional software and suggested that he could incorporate the system into the software to demonstrate it and sell it. We were not keen at first but after thinking how much it would help our fellow baccarat players get back at the casinos and get their money back we decided to go ahead and sell the system. Sure we make some money but the main reason is to help our fellow baccarat players. We make a lot of money playing baccarat and the sales are a small percentage of our income.

This has proved to be very successful and we are very happy with the quality of the software and how the system is presented and taught.

I could write much more detail and many more stories but I am afraid that I might bore you, so I better stop now.

My intention is not to encourage you to play baccarat, nor to gamble, but if you do want to play baccarat then you must believe me when I say that you use my many years of experience to your advantage.


Play wisely and win,
Your friend


I recommend it highly!

Over 4 years of development so you will WIN, and EASY to use .

Note that this is quality software and no rubbish is installed !!!
I promise you that this is the best baccarat software that you have ever seen .

100 FREE Predictions for YOU to use at an online casino.
TEST the system on 3007 real casino shoes from around
the world and tens of thousands of computer generated shoes.
If you cannot download the software please email me at
and I will be able to help.
The Predictor System is also IN THE MEMBERS AREA of the web site. You do not need to download software to start learning the Predictor System . A password will be emailed to you when you order.

Thread Rating:

Please let me introduce myself.
I'm aprox. 55 years old.
I've been visiting Reno and Vegas casinos since the late 1970's.
But I have never lived in Nevada. (I want to someday)
Betting on sports is the easiest.
I prefer the NFL, The NHL and MLB
Craps... If I play it, I will marty the don't pass line when the shooters are somewhat cold. (easy money!)
Hold'em high - love to play it but there are LOTS of easier ways to make money in Vegas.
Now we get to Baccarat...
I live in a state close to Nevada that has several Indian Casinos.
To protect my identity I'm not going to mention the state.
I'm a 'hit and run' gambler! AKA Gorilla Gambler!
Casino's hate people like me because we win and then we high tail it! (with their $$$)
I over heard a Baccarat Pit Boss tell a customer once...
'If everybody as soon as they got ahead, they quit playing for the day, then we would soon be out of business.'
I use marty's in order to beat Baccarat.
I never sit down when I play Baccarat.
All my bets are placed standing up in back of the seated players.
I play from 'the gallery' as they call it.
I go from table to table looking for that table where Player or Banker is dominating the scene!
At the Gold Coast Casino I would be in Hog Heaven.
Follow me so far?
When I go to Vegas I always stay at Harrah's and I play my Baccarat there and at The Flamingo.
But sports betting is where I always tear them up!
Now back to Baccarat...
I mainly like to bet Player but if Banker is dominating then I will obviously bet Banker.
For example...
I walk up to a table in which Player is dominating Banker...
My Marty is $25 - $50 - $100 - $200 - $175 - $225/or IC (bet Player each time)
If I lose 5 times in a row, I stop and book a $550 loser. (minus my other marty wins for the day)
Then I go home for the day.
If I lose 4 in a row and win on my 5th bet then I'm down $200 and can then
make a $225 bet later on or do an 'increment catchup' to try and get even.
For example a $50 - $100 - $200 marty is a $50 'increment catchup' when won.
My goal everytime I go to the casino is a $100 - $200 win with a $1,000 bank roll.
Once I reach my goal I leave the casino and immeditely go home!
John Patrick once said it best... Go for small wins!
My record is 46
That's 46 straight winning trips to the casino!
46 x $150 = $6,900
It usually doesn't take me long to win $100 - $200 then I'm gone.
If I play for long periods I will eventually go on tilt like poker players do.
Get in and get out and don't get greedy!
Oddly enough Thorpe and Griffin treated baccarat the same way as BJ. What's good for BJ is a death sentence for baccarat.

Please let me introduce myself.
I'm aprox. 55 years old.
I've been visiting Reno and Vegas casinos since the late 1970's.
But I have never lived in Nevada. (I want to someday)
Betting on sports is the easiest.
I prefer the NFL, The NHL and MLB
Craps... If I play it, I will marty the don't pass line when the shooters are somewhat cold. (easy money!)
Hold'em high - love to play it but there are LOTS of easier ways to make money in Vegas.
Now we get to Baccarat...
I live in a state close to Nevada that has several Indian Casinos.
To protect my identity I'm not going to mention the state.
I'm a 'hit and run' gambler! AKA Gorilla Gambler!
Casino's hate people like me because we win and then we high tail it! (with their $$$)
I over heard a Baccarat Pit Boss tell a customer once...
'If everybody as soon as they got ahead, they quit playing for the day, then we would soon be out of business.'
I use marty's in order to beat Baccarat.
I never sit down when I play Baccarat.
All my bets are placed standing up in back of the seated players.
I play from 'the gallery' as they call it.
I go from table to table looking for that table where Player or Banker is dominating the scene!
At the Gold Coast Casino I would be in Hog Heaven.
Follow me so far?
When I go to Vegas I always stay at Harrah's and I play my Baccarat there and at The Flamingo.
But sports betting is where I always tear them up!
Now back to Baccarat...
I mainly like to bet Player but if Banker is dominating then I will obviously bet Banker.
For example...
I walk up to a table in which Player is dominating Banker...
My Marty is $25 - $50 - $100 - $200 - $175 - $225/or IC (bet Player each time)
If I lose 5 times in a row, I stop and book a $550 loser. (minus my other marty wins for the day)
Then I go home for the day.
If I lose 4 in a row and win on my 5th bet then I'm down $200 and can then
make a $225 bet later on or do an 'increment catchup' to try and get even.
For example a $50 - $100 - $200 marty is a $50 'increment catchup' when won.
My goal everytime I go to the casino is a $100 - $200 win with a $1,000 bank roll.
Once I reach my goal I leave the casino and immeditely go home!
John Patrick once said it best... Go for small wins!
My record is 46
That's 46 straight winning trips to the casino!
46 x $150 = $6,900
It usually doesn't take me long to win $100 - $200 then I'm gone.
If I play for long periods I will eventually go on tilt like poker players do.
Get in and get out and don't get greedy!

That's awesome Martyman. 46 x $150 = $6,900 Sounds like easy money!!! Congrats.
'If it ain't Broke, Don't fix it' <br> 'Please note that my threads & posts are strictly for Educational purposes only and I do not care if you choose to Win or Lose your money. ' <br> 'Sometimes, Its not about the money, Its about being able to say yea, It can be done, and claim victory. That's Genius!!!' <br> 'There is a range of views among mathematicians and philosophers as to the exact scope and definition of mathematics.'
Looks like we are back to day one with people still believing previous results effect the future. I ALMOST miss the arguments about dice control!
Chinese baccarat strategy definition
Just one question, and believe me, I'm not a professional gambler, nor a mathmetician.
How do the numbers know that there are pauses between your plays?

Baccarat Strategy 2020

Just one question, and believe me, I'm not a professional gambler, nor a mathmetician.
How do the numbers know that there are pauses between your plays?

Not understanding your question?
'If it ain't Broke, Don't fix it' <br> 'Please note that my threads & posts are strictly for Educational purposes only and I do not care if you choose to Win or Lose your money. ' <br> 'Sometimes, Its not about the money, Its about being able to say yea, It can be done, and claim victory. That's Genius!!!' <br> 'There is a range of views among mathematicians and philosophers as to the exact scope and definition of mathematics.'
I love your negative progression. Risk 500 to get back 25. Must be another class next to Golden Touch. Las Vegas university - world famous school, our graduates go broke faster than anybody else.

New Betting Strategy For Baccarat


I love your negative progression. Risk 500 to get back 25. Must be another class next to Golden Touch. Las Vegas university - world famous school, our graduates go broke faster than anybody else.

I highly DO NOT recommend trying this but give the guy props for catching a winning run. $6900 covers the next 12 losses not including future wins of $150.00
'If it ain't Broke, Don't fix it' <br> 'Please note that my threads & posts are strictly for Educational purposes only and I do not care if you choose to Win or Lose your money. ' <br> 'Sometimes, Its not about the money, Its about being able to say yea, It can be done, and claim victory. That's Genius!!!' <br> 'There is a range of views among mathematicians and philosophers as to the exact scope and definition of mathematics.'

I highly DO NOT recommend trying this but give the guy props for catching a winning run. $6900 covers the next 12 losses not including future wins of $150.00

BUT 'If it ain't Broke, Don't fix it' RIGHT?

Chinese Baccarat Strategy

♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪